By Daniel D. Ziegler
Circumcision, a mutilating practice thousands of years old that actually removes up to sixty percent or more of the nerve endings of the penis, is now finally being questioned by many in the medical profession and is no longer covered by some insurance companies. In addition, information about reversal procedures is also now becoming widely available. Several years ago I discovered a book entitled The Joy of Uncircumcising by Dr. Jim Bigelow. It describes a process of restoring to near-normal the foreskin of a circumcised male penis through a process of stretching the skin. I employed Dr. Bigelow’s techniques, as well as some of my own innovations, with surprising results and benefits, including increased sensitivity. But unfortunately, lost nerve endings can never be replaced. This is not the main purpose of this article, however. The purpose is to examine possible origins and intent of circumcision.
Dr. Bigelow also includes a good deal of information about the surgical procedures used in the circumcision operation. What most of us think is a simple painless procedure turns out not to be the case, after all. The operation is performed on infants strapped to board using no anesthetic. He also includes some historical information regarding the practice of circumcision, some with which I was familiar, such as Yahweh’s (Jehovah) ordering of circumcision as a symbol of his covenant with Abraham, as described in Genesis 17 of the Old Testament. And, he mentions that the early Egyptians practiced circumcision prior to the time that Abraham lived. Thus, circumcision has perhaps affected more men throughout history than any other single religious or medical practice.
Learning all of this and also having read many books dealing with possible extraterrestrial interaction with and negative influence on early humankind, particularly with regard to religions and even the possibility of a master/slave relationship, I began to ask myself questions--some pretty far-out: Since there is evidence of a possible connection between Sirius--the Dog Star--and Egypt, even the possibility that pre-dynasty Egypt was actually seeded or genetically influenced by Siriusians “sky-gods” and ruled by them, could the practice of circumcision thus have been initiated or instituted by the Siriusians? If so, was Yahweh, the god of the Children of Israel, also a sky-god from Sirius?
While some of these questions may never be satisfactorily answered, they kept running through my mind and they led me back to a book called The Sirius Mystery by Robert K. G. Temple. I learned that the subjects of Temple’s book, the Dogon tribe of northern Africa, performed circumcision as part of their Sigui ceremony. This is a ceremony thousands of years old based on their phenomenal knowledge and connection with Sirius B (Digitaria), an invisible dwarf star that we didn’t discover until the early 1900's. Circumcision remains a fundamental part of their religious rituals today.
The next question I asked myself was, Why? Rituals usually have some practical basis or origin, that is, they usually begin for practical reasons and later, when the reasons for doing it have long been forgotten, they are continued as blind rituals. Knowing this, could Yahweh’s ordering of circumcision have had a more practical purpose than a mere symbol of a covenant? And what about the Dogon’s practice of circumcision, could that once have served a practical purpose?
The first answer that came to mind, to the question of Why? is that it may have been a method of identification (as taught by some religions yet today), that is, to identify for the purpose dividing and separating people as a means of control (inherent in shy-god religions). But it seems evident that surely there would better ways to achieve identification, such as a tatoo or nipped earlobe (as was used to identify Israelite slaves). Circumcision does not seem practical for the purpose of identification, especially considering the way it was originally performed. The early practice among the Jews was called Milah and removed only the tip of the foreskin, (frenar band) leaving practically the whole foreskin intact and hardly distinguishable from an uncut penis. Identification does not seem to be a logical explanation.
Other reasons that came to mind as to Why? are that it may have had to do with hygiene or to prevent masturbation. But after reading Dr. Bigelow’s book, it does not seem that either of these reasons have much merit either. Sexual repression in general could also have been a reason for circumcision since it is known that sexuality can play a large role in the process of spiritual enlightenment. The removal of sensitive, pleasure nerve endings would certainly play a part in suppressing sexuality, but would hardly be as effective as imposing strict social and moral codes, which we know have successfully led to repressed sexuality. That, too, seems unlikely. So after all the popular reasons given for the practice of circumcision are dismissed, we are still left with the question Why? Why circumcision? There had to be a specific and practical reason for such a wide spread practice.
This is where I begin to speculate: Knowing that the basis for sky-god religions is that humans are slaves to a superior alien custodial race, and that control is essential in maintaining the master/slave relationship, and also knowing that circumcision had to have been of practical value, could it be that circumcision had to do with control? It is a good possibility so let’s explore it.
If we, homo-sapiens, are indeed a slave race, created through genetic engineering, or more specifically, through unplugging and deactivating stands of DNA, the engineering would have included attempts, by the custodians, to remove any and all memory or our previous existence. Any memory of who or what we were originally--that is, spiritual beings—would have to be removed in order to prevent us from awakening and ultimately rebelling. These attempts would have included shutting down or removing any parts or systems of the human body or psyche that possibly contained any cosmic memory. Let’s explore the concept and possibility of such a memory, or cosmic memory, existing.
Reflexologists believe that the feet, hands and even ear lobes contain nerve endings that correspond to other parts of the body. When these points are stimulated, healing of the corresponding organ can occur. In a similar belief within in the practice of Tantra, the penis and clitoris contain nerve endings that correspond to other body parts as well. It is believed that the very tip of the penis and the clitoris correspond to the top of the head or the area of the crown chakra--the seat of our spirituality. It is also recognized, by any good body worker or massage therapist, that our body’s muscular structures contain memories of events from our past or from our childhood. Putting these two bits of information together, could the penis and clitoris, which contain nerve endings that correspond to the crown chakra, contain cosmic memories?
Could the body itself, or even individual cells, contain cosmic memories of our origin in a similar manner that a broken piece of a hologram picture contains the picture of the whole? Or more specifically, could the penis and the clitoris, the primary organs involved in pleasure and reproduction, contain a memory of our cosmic origins or past? And, thus, could the ordering of circumcision (removal of part of the foreskin) and excision (removal of the clitoris) be desperate but futile last minute attempts by Yahweh, or other sky-gods, to remove any remaining cosmic memory--memories which might help us to awaken to our cosmic reality, to our spirituality? And, in addition, could this explain the extreme deep-felt anger and resentment some men in our society have toward being circumcised--as expressed in Dr. Bigelow’s book? These possibilities certainly deserve our attention.
If the answer to these questions are "Yes", it would be consistent with the theories of William Bramley in The Gods of Eden, Zecharia Sitchin in his Earth Chronicles series of books as well as Dr. Arthur David Horn in Humanity’s Extraterrestrial Origins. These three distinguished researchers seem to think there is sufficient evidence to believe that we have been, and possibly still are, slaves to a more technically advanced group or groups of beings. If so, what I have just outlined regarding the origins of circumcision is a real possibility.
But, let’s not stop here. Taking this one step further, it is therefore also a possibility then, that by continuing this ‘religious’ procedure, we may indeed be impeding our own spiritual growth, and that by discontinuing circumcision (both male and female) we could actually hasten our spiritual enlightenment and independence from these “sky gods.”
Regardless, however, if any of this is true, let us free ourselves of this painful, mutilating procedure since there is no practical justification of it for us today. * * *
Copyright 2004 Daniel D. Ziegler
To receive a free e-copy (PDF file) of my book NAKED BEFORE GOD: A Look At Healing, Self-discovery and Spiritual Growth Through Social Nudism, go to http://less-onsfortruth.com/ or email me ddziegler44@yahoo.com
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