Tuesday, January 31, 2006


"The penis, or phallus, is the male organ of penetration, and it is the very act of penetration itself that lies behind ever act of creation...."


The attraction of wood carver Daniel D. Ziegler’s phallic art goes far beyond eroticism. To experience it is to have ones own creative and healing energies released. Gaze upon it, feel it, hold it, and you cannot deny it’s attraction, it’s appeal, it’s power. Such is the nature of his work.

Ziegler, using a variety of hard and soft woods, allows each piece to speak to him as he is creating it. Applying his skills, he encourages the wood’s natural features--such as its grain--full expression; and thus the unique energy and beauty of each piece of wood is released. Each then is finished with a natural oil finish to further enhance and preserve its beauty.


The Serpent

In the Judeo-Christian tradition we are taught that the serpent, or snake, represents evil. The Biblical story of creation depicts Satan, the devil, as taking on the form of a snake and tempting Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Thus most of us fear, or at least dislike snakes.

The Genesis version of creation, however, is a condensed and slightly altered account of much earlier writings of the Sumerians (early Babylonians) that predate the Bible by thousands of years. The Sumerians viewed the serpent as a friend and benefactor of mankind.

According to Sumerian writings, human-beings were created (today we would say genetically engineered) by a race of technically advanced space travelers who came to planet earth and called themselves gods. Homo-sapiens were created as slaves to carry on menial work. Although instilled with spirit, making them rational and smarter than animals in order to be able to carry on their work, the information regarding their true origin and divine nature was withheld from them. In Genesis this information is symbolized by the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life. It was feared that if mankind gained knowledge of himself and came to the realization that he was a slave, he would rebel. Man was thus created by the “gods”, given a beautiful garden in which to live, but forbidden to eat the fruit of certain trees, that is, to seek certain knowledge of himself.

One of the members of the creator race, Enki, began to take a liking to these human-beings and began to feel sorry for them. Wanting see them free, he encouraged them to seek knowledge of themselves--to seek enlightenment. When they did as he suggested, however, and ate of the fruit, they were removed from the garden and stripped of their privileges. Their helpful friend was punished and given the name Prince of Darkness, and depicted as a serpent and the enemy of mankind.

The Genesis version of the story of creation carries on the tradition of the creator race’s depiction of the snake as evil, and today we are still influenced by that interpretation. The good-heartedness of mankind’s friend, who encouraged seeking enlightenment, was recognized and appreciated by the Sumerians, however, and is not totally forgotten today. Many modern cultures as well as our American Medical Society, still use the serpent as a symbol enlightenment and healing.

The Phallus

Since the earliest of times, the phallus has been celebrated as the symbol of fertility and vitality. It is only in our modern western culture, where our religions have vastly strayed from nature, that the phallus is much maligned. Yet, there are cultures even today that host ceremonies (Hounen Matsuri) dedicated to the erect male penis.

The penis or phallus, is the male organ of penetration, and it is the very act of penetration itself that lies behind every act of creation, every discovery and every accomplishment. In nature, the roots of a plant penetrate the ground and the leaves penetrate the air. In our everyday world, a shovel digging into ground to lay a foundation, a plow turning over the farmer’s soil, a nail being hammered into a board, the brush of an artist dipping into paint, an antenna probing the airwaves and a rocket hurling into space, are all acts of penetration. It is no wonder then that the phallus, the organ of penetration that begins human life and is so universally emulated, is so highly regarded that it is often used as the symbol of life itself.

The Serpent and the Phallus

Combining the serpent with the phallus into a single application such as a walking stick, ceremonial staff or ritual wand takes advantage of all the power of healing and enlightenment available to us. It thus becomes a healing instrument--to be looked at, touched, held or passed from hand to hand--such as in a meditation circle. The power felt is as endless as our ability and our willingness to heal ourselves. Its symbolism is universal and its beauty appreciated everywhere.

One final note: As a result of our negative sexual attitude based on centuries of sexual repression, most people's first and often very visible reaction to seeing the healing stick for the first time is one of being startled or embarrassed. This is an indication that healing is certainly needed in this area If your first reaction to seeing the phallus was one of surprise or embarrassment--in any way, let the healing begin at that point. Simply allow your issues to surface and be healed as you gaze upon the stick seeing nothing but its beauty.

To receive a free e-copy (PDF file) of my book NAKED BEFORE GOD: A Look At Healing, Self-discovery and Spiritual Growth Through Social Nudism, go to http://less-onsfortruth.com/ or email me ddziegler44@yahoo.com

Monday, January 30, 2006


"You are obsessed with sex--either trying to promote it or trying to prevent it"

By Pazzi Wan

YOU OFTEN SPEAK OF YOURSELVES as "spiritual beings having a human experience," and while this is true, you would be more accurate in your thinking if you referred to yourselves as 'spiritual beings having a sexual experience.'

Consider the possibility that sexuality is the main reason for the human experience, the reason spiritual beings, in general, incarnate in human form. Remember, without physicality, spirit cannot experience the sex act so taking on a physical body is necessary for this. Think about it: You come into the physical world as a result of the sexual act and you procreate through the very same act. Nothing speaks more clearly to the magnificence of human sexuality than the fact that it's used to create human life; and it reasonably follows, then, that a major reason for the human experience is to experience the magnificence of sexuality. When you get this, you will stop degrading the sexual experience and you will begin to experience and enjoy it much differently.

Because it is what you came here to experience, sex will always continue to be a dominant part of your lives, as it is now, but when you begin to see it in a more positive way, you will no longer let it control you. If you don't think it controls you now, look around you. It controls virtually every aspect of your lives. You are obessed with sex, either trying to promote it or to prevent it. The advertising industry is just one example of promoting it. Your most successful (and often most harmful) products are sold to you through, and contain, sex appeal. Your television is one of the media used for this, yet on this same TV you are not permitted to view a mother nursing her baby because the bare breast is associated with sex, thus an example your efforts to prevent sex. Yes, it controls you.

The problem is that you have a negative attitude toward sexuality, therefore, your sex controls you in negative ways. You are experiencing the dark and shadowy side of your sexuality which is often fosters anger, frustration, low-self-esteem, violence and even illness.

Now, when you finally accept that the reason you came here in the first place is to experience sexuality, you will look at it much differently. You will see it as a gift to experience as pleasure and joy. It will continue to be a dominant force in your lives, as it does now--because that is the very reason you came here--but you will be in control of it. This will allow you to experience it in positve ways and evolve through it in its many layers--from purely physical to highly spiritual.

This will come about when you are allowed to begin your experience with your sexuality as children and as you are taught, early on, to appreciate and to enjoy it. One thing you will be taught, for instance, and encouraged to do, is to masturbate. Masturbation is a fundamental sex act and it is the primary sex act since it is your first expereince with your sexuality. A new attitude toward this practice is what will keep sex from being expressed as a violent outbursts of frustration and anger as it so often is done now among your young people (as well as to prevent unwanted pregnacies). A healthy positive attitude and practice of masturbation, even in, and especially in, relationships, will keep sex in the proper perspective throughout all your lives and much of the frustration, anger and low self-esteem associated with your sex drive now will no longer exist. This new attitude toward masturbation in particular and your sexuality in general will go a long way in curing many of your social ills.

Throughout your lives, then, you will experience the many facets or layers of sexuality, from pure physical to highly spiritual, from self-love to loving another; and you will take as long as you want--as many lifetimes as you need--to feel complete in the sexual experience. Having done that, your soul will choose to move on to bring yet another new experience to your Divine Creator. Until then, you are human beings, yes, but more--you are spiritual beings having sexual experiences.

Enjoy and celebrate! * * *

To receive a free e-copy (PDF file) of my book NAKED BEFORE GOD: A Look At Healing, Self-discovery and Spiritual Growth Through Social Nudism, go to http://less-onsfortruth.com/ or email me ddziegler44@yahoo.com


"But could an all-loving God have given you something so wonderful as sex and then restricted its expression through rules and laws that are virtually impossible to keep?"

By Pazzi Wan

Your view of your sexuality in your culture is clouded by shame, embarrassment and guilt resulting from centuries of negative influence by political/religious institutions that have a vested interest in how you think and behave. And because of your limited view, your expression of your sexuality is dark and distorted, often driven by frustration and anger and consisting of secret, hurried, clandestine and sometimes violent acts having little or nothing to do with love of one another or love of yourselves.

The effects of your negative attitude toward your sexuality are far greater than any of you imagine and they encompass virtually every aspect of your lives, thus preventing you from realizing your full human potential--both individually and culturally.

As you begin to realize that your attitude toward your sexuality is shrouded in shame, embarrassment and guilt, you will begin to see that this attitude stems from your view of God; and you will realize that your view of God must necessarily be clouded as well--clouded in fear. You will see that this fear of God has been imposed on you by the religious institutions that have implemented rules, restrictions and moral codes that have limited you in your sexual behavior and expression--and indeed, in your entire range of human experience.

But could an all-loving God have given you something so wonderful as sex and then restricted its expression through rules and laws that are virtually impossible to keep? And would It then punish you for violating those rules? Can God be both that loving and that cruel? Of course not. But there are, indeed, other outside influences, literally from other worlds, behind your religious institutions, that have distorted your concept of God for their purposes.

A correction of your thinking will come from nothing less than complete questioning of your old teachings and beliefs of God, and this will eventually lead to a complete paradigm shift--a shift from your old fearful view of God to a new and trusting one.

You can begin examining these old teachings, along with their origins, by looking outside of your own particular scriptures and examining the writings that predate them. Learn of the very identities of the sources of these teachings, and their motives, and thus question everything you have been taught about God. And, finally, challenge all you’ve ever learned about your sexuality. Only complete questioning of the old paradigm will enable you to escape its negative influence.

Once your old belief system has been found in error and is set aside giving you the freedom to determine your new beliefs and practices based on your own experiences, a new and fresh concept of an all-loving, nonjudgmental God will emerge. This concept will include an understanding, indeed, an appreciation, that your sexuality is a gift from God; and that as your body/spirit connection, your sexuality is meant to be exercised, enjoyed, even celebrated. This healthier attitude and expression of your sexuality, along with your newfound view of an all-loving God, will lead you, then, to the fullest expression of your true human potential.

One final and necessary step remains--forgiveness--the recognition that this whole process has been a gift from those whom you thought controlled you; that God’s understanding of the final outcome--your growth as well as theirs--was the reason the whole process was initiated in the first place.

A celebration is in order. * * *

To receive a free e-copy (PDF file) of my book NAKED BEFORE GOD: A Look At Healing, Self-discovery and Spiritual Growth Through Social Nudism, go to http://less-onsfortruth.com/ or email me ddziegler44@yahoo.com

Sunday, January 29, 2006


"...sex must be brought up to an equal status as eating, praying, meditating, playing or any other of a variety of normal nurturing activities of which we partake..."

BEYOND NUDISM: Sexuality as the Next Step to Healing

By Daniel D. Ziegler

Social Nudism can be a healing balm for the soul weary of carrying around the burden of body shame. But at some point, if the healing soul longs for yet something more, something deeper, something even beyond nudism--perhaps even sexual--it is a sign that the soul is ready for a deeper level of healing. The soul is now ready to examine the real roots of body shame, and once these are discovered and discarded, the healing process of body shame can be completed.

What are the roots of body shame in our culture? When closely examined, shame, embarrassment and guilt over our bodies stems from thousands of years of religious-based sexual repression. We have been led to believe that our bodies are the cause of sexual behavior, of which most forms are considered sinful. It is this belief that lies at the bottom of our negative attitudes toward our bodies. To heal from this requires that a new understanding and appreciation of sex be adopted, one based on joy and celebration for life, not on shame and guilt. We can call it sexual acceptance. Simply put, sex must be brought up to an equal status as eating, praying, meditating, playing or any other of a variety of normal nurturing activities of which we partake--openly, either alone or with others. Once achieved and we are no longer wasting vital energy concealing unnecessary embarrassment, shame and guilt, we will finally be free to pursue higher expressions of the human experience. Until then, we are slaves to our own negative thoughts of shameful bodies.

Just as importantly as healing our minds of the negative attitudes toward our sexuality is the next step toward healing of our body shame, comfort with nudity is a prerequisite for healing our attitudes toward sexuality. The whole process of healing begins with becoming comfortable enough with nudity to take the next step toward addressing sexuality. If one stops at simply nudity, however, the healing process will not become complete because body shame originates in repressed sexuality; and likewise, if one tries to heal their sexuality without first becoming comfortable with simple nudity, body shame will surely get in the way. The two, nudity and sexuality, go hand in hand, yet, for obvious reasons nudity must be dealt with first. We can even call that Step 1. Then, once a certain comfort level is reached with simple nudity, sexuality can be addressed as Step 2. After that, healing can be completed. The result is healthy sexuality based on an attitude of wholeness of the body that has replaced body shame based on sexual repression. We now experience true body acceptance that includes sexual acceptance, as we accept ourselves as healthy sexual beings.

I have written extensively about healing body shame through nudism in my book NAKED BEFORE GOD: A Look at Healing, Self-discovery and Spiritual Growth Through Social Nudism. That book, containing my personal accounts with nudism as well as accounts of other nudists, serves as a guide to the first step in our healing. For some, however, it will be the last step too, for they will choose not to explore the idea that their view of sexuality may not be entirely whole or healthy. For them, at least for now, a line has been drawn which they choose not to cross. Such socially accepted and mainstream concepts such as marriage, monogamy, heterosexuality, privacy surrounding sex, silence about sex, etc., etc., etc., are deeply rooted in our psyche and, for some people, are not open to be challenged. Others, however, once they have experienced the healing power of nudism, will be ready for the second step--to question society’s and their own view on sexuality as well, realizing that their body shame, and possibly other neurotic issues, originate from thousands of years of sexual repression. Their quest for further healing, however, will sometimes be painful as they move forward to challenge deep-rooted ideas at the very core of their soul--ideas even beyond the level of the nudism challenge-- but the ultimate healing will be just as deep.

I have thought that since NAKED BEFORE GOD serves as a guide to Step 1, healing through nudity, I would have to write another book for Step 2, healing through sexuality. But after a little thought I realized that I would not have to write a single word. So much has already been written. One only has to go to a bookstore or look online for any number of books and websites dealing with healing our sexuality. With nudity, however, it was different story. One is hard pressed to find any literature on nudity or nudism except what is published by various nudist and naturist organizations, and seldom does any of it mention healing.

I offer the ideas presented here to those nudists, and anyone else, who sense that even though the nudism experience has changed their lives in a positive direction by freeing them up from years of body shame, there is still something missing. I urge them to honor this feeling. That missing something, in my estimation, is the issue of our repressed sexuality. The nudist community, for a variety of reasons—some having to do with survival of the movement itself and some having to do purely with the blinding effects of sexual repression--has not addressed the root cause of body shame—our negative attitude toward our sexuality; nor in all likelihood will it. It is up to us as individuals to continue on our own path of healing beyond nudism.

To receive a free e-copy (PDF file) of my book NAKED BEFORE GOD: A Look At Healing, Self-discovery and Spiritual Growth Through Social Nudism, go to http://less-onsfortruth.com/ or email me ddziegler44@yahoo.com

Friday, January 27, 2006


"...when we love ourselves in the presence of another, it gives them permission to love themselves."

HEALING SHAME: Sharing Self-love
By Daniel D. Ziegler

Masturbation is an activity of self-love that most of us privately engage in, but a topic that publicly remains so taboo that surgeon general Joycelyn Elders was fired for even suggesting that we teach about it in our schools to curb teen pregnancy. 'Why,' the question arises, 'why are we so ashamed of masturbation, of something so natural?' But, more importantly is the question, 'How can we heal ourselves of our shame and embarrassment over it and our sexuality in general?'

While it's true that most of us masturbate, the fact remains that many of us have never masturbated in the presence of another person--not even our own sexual partners--nor in many cases, have we observed another person masturbating. Even though masturbation is common practice and encouraged by sex therapists, because of its taboo nature, it remains a very private act, often confined to the shower and bathroom. Yet, in not sharing this act, we are depriving ourselves of a great deal of pleasure and joy.

While masturbation--or making love to ourselves--is just one of the many ways we can show ourselves love, it is perhaps the ultimate physical experience we can have by ourselves--particularly when achieving orgasm. It provides us with a healthy expression and release of sexual energy while requiring us to attain substantial levels of self-acceptance and intimacy with ourselves. It is this high level of self-acceptance that allows us to completely surrender to the moment, bringing us intense pleasure and joy. Sharing this experience with another human being can be an incredibly wonderful and satisfying experience--even spiritual.

There is no denying that sharing ourselves with another, in this state of vulnerability often accompanied by shame and embarrassment, requires trust; but it is in the sharing--that often requires an even greater level of self-acceptance than when we are by ourselves--that we can experience yet another level of bliss. When we open ourselves up and make love to ourselves in the presence of another, we are in effect saying, "I'm okay! My sexuality is okay! YES, I AM OKAY!." That is therapeutic, that is healing and that is bliss. In addition, when we love ourselves in the presence of another, it gives them permission to love themselves. That is perhaps the ultimate gift we can give another.

Now, to grow requires that we extend ourselves beyond out limiting boundaries. It often requires a willingness to see things differently and to step outside of our comfort zones to observe, perhaps, what we have never observed before. With these words I am writing, I am attempting to extend our limiting boundaries of self-love beyond the "showers and bathrooms" of our minds by suggesting to you, the reader, to share a masturbation experience with your partner, or with another human being. If you have not shared masturbation with a partner or have never observed another person masturbating--because of shame and embarrassment, I invite you to give yourself and your partner the opportunity to observe the beauty of another human being engaged in the act of self-love. Perhaps through this experience, you will begin to see the act of self-love differently, and you will begin to heal yourselves of the burdensome shame and embarrassment that plagues our society. * * *

To receive a free e-copy (PDF file) of my book NAKED BEFORE GOD: A Look At Healing, Self-discovery and Spiritual Growth Through Social Nudism, go to http://less-onsfortruth.com/ or email me ddziegler44@yahoo.com

Thursday, January 26, 2006


"...I find that it is the best time to pray because the very nature of having an orgasm requires total surrender..."

By Daniel D. Ziegler

Medibation or medibating, as the term implies, combines the practice of meditation and masturbation. I first heard of the term through the work of Annie Sprinkle, famous sex film star and sex educator. She refers to her own spiritual work and practice of medibation in some of her written work as well as in her film Masturbation Memoirs and her video Herstory of Porn. While I discovered the name medibation just a couple years ago, I had discovered the process several years earlier, and so when I first read and saw Annie's work, I knew precisely what she was talking about.

I had discover this practice quite by accident. While masturbation had been part of my life since a teenager, I had never taken it beyond the “it just feels good” sex-play stages. Likewise, I had practiced meditation for probably a good ten years, and it had led me to many peaceful moments as well as many insights. But until then, the two experiences had been quite separate--or so I thought. What was probably happening was that a process was unfolding whereby the two would necessarily come together.

The two practices, masturbation and meditation, came together in my conscious mind while I was writing an article about my experience with an obscure Dr. Seuss book called The Seven Lady Godivas. I had been working slowly on the piece, writing, rewriting, etc. for a couple weeks and during this time, I began my days, as usual, with the same morning ritual I had practiced for a number of years. I would wake up early, have a cup of coffee and slowly masturbate to orgasm, then go back to sleep to enjoy those following twenty minutes or so of totally relaxing post-orgasmic bliss before getting up and starting my day. During the time I was working on this piece of writing, however, my mind would not just randomly drift off during my post-orgasm high as it usually had done, but rather, I would find myself thinking about what I had written the previous day.

But it was more than just thinking about it. I would actually see the typed pages it in front of me as I dozed. The pages would scroll down past my field of vision and I could see the printed words on the pages. Occasionally the scrolling would stop and the page would zoom in so I could get a closer look. Whenever that would occur, there was always something there that needed to be changed or rewritten. Once I made a mental note of the needed correction, the scrolling would resume.

This process would not occupy the entire twenty minute session of post orgasmic bliss, just a portion of it. The rest of the time I would find myself either reliving my Seven Lady Godiva experience and composing the next section to be written, or I would be thinking about and gaining helpful insights and direction into some other matter that I needed to attend to that day.

During this time of writing this piece, I consciously became aware of this process and began to look forward to it each morning. I finished the piece in about three weeks and it remains one that I am proud of. I continue to use this process now, and it has led me to incredible insights--all the while bringing a lot of pleasure too.

My practice of medibation today, however, goes farther now than it did in the earlier days. Today it includes far more than daily problem solving. It brings me many insights into my purpose for being on this planet as well as a sense of Oneness to everything. But one of the most important parts of it is prayer. I find that it is the best time to pray because the very nature of having an orgasm requires total surrender. It is in that mind-set, then, that we can offer our prayers--most of all, prayers of gratitude--beginning with gratitude for sex itself, and then, for all of life. Perhaps that is the greatest insight that has come to me through medibation--GRATITUDE.

To receive a free e-copy (PDF file) of my book NAKED BEFORE GOD: A Look At Healing, Self-discovery and Spiritual Growth Through Social Nudism, go to http://less-onsfortruth.com/ or email me ddziegler44@yahoo.com

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


"...To permit nudity yet not allow ANY form of sexual expression, not even an erection, seems like an impossibility at best and a cruel tease at worst."

By Daniel D. Ziegler

I realize now, some years after writing my book NAKED BEFORE GOD, that my claim that participating in organized nudism can increase body awareness and self-acceptance, may not as true as I once thought. While social nudity itself--that is being nude in the presence of others--can certainly increase body acceptance, organized nudism as we know it in this country has major flaws that I now think may actually have a negative effect on self-esteem. This article is an attempt to explain this idea.

By not permitting any open display or expression of sexuality, the nudism movement merely reinforces our society's already negative attitude toward our sexuality, and therefore toward our overall self-image. In this respect, the organized movement is actually counter-productive to its claims. They need to quit making that claim or change the rules.

A while back, I received a phone call from a man whom, with his wife, had visited a nudist park for the first time. There, he had met a friend of mine with whom he got into a discussion about nudism. Being new to it, he had a lot of questions and was making a lot of observations about the nudist life style as he was seeing it, and about peoples' behavior under these, up-until-now, unusual conditions. Wanting to be as helpful as possible in explaining the lifestyle, my friend mentioned my name and that I had written a book about nudism. His call was to see how he could acquire the book and to ask me a few questions concerning him and his experience.

Basically what he expressed to me was that he had been very uncomfortable at the park. He had gone through the normal orientation that they required for newcomers in which he was told a number of things, including how comfortable and relaxing nudism is, and that it is not sexual and that, in fact, no outward form of sexual expression would be tolerated. To further explain this, nudist park owners usually tell men that "if you should become 'aroused', cover yourself with your towel or put on a pair of shorts, or you will be asked to leave."

He found the park and surroundings very beautiful and the naked people generally friendly, and, in fact, all this is what contributed to his being uncomfortable. He found the whole situation--the sights, the sounds, the smells--so stimulating that he had an erection most of the time he was there and, therefore, was forced to wear a pair of shorts the whole weekend. "It was awful," he said to me, "I could not be myself. I never want to go through another weekend like that again."

I had very little to offer him at that point except my usual pitch that I had used when I was the one giving the orientations at that very same park. I told him not to give up on nudism, that he would get used to the nudity and that soon he would not find it overly stimulating and arousing. "You won't even get a hard-on," I said.

That phone call prompted me to begin to examine my own personal experience with "organized" nudism and to ultimately change my views about it--hence this article. What I told him was, in fact, what I had done to myself. In my attempt to set an example for others and to not feel guilty for feeling sexual myself, I had repressed my own sexual urges at the park to the extent that I was lying to myself about what I was feeling. What I really wanted to do was to be myself and let everyone know that I was a healthy sexual person--and that is what he wanted and I believe what most everyone wants.

To permit nudity yet not allow ANY form of sexual expression, not even an erection, seems like an impossibility at best and a cruel tease at worst. Either way, it is a form or sexual repression. The nudists' claim that nudism is not about sex, and that nudist parks are in no way sexual, is hypocritical. The very nature of nudity in an otherwise clothed society is certainly going to increase sexual awareness; and to not be able to express that in any way, not even in touching ourselves or getting aroused, is simply unrealistic AND cruel. And so, when we fail at this, even if just in our thoughts, we consciously or unconsciously feel increased guilt, shame and embarrassment over our sexuality, which merely adds to our already societally-induced poor self-image problem in general.

We are sexual beings and our sexual energy will manifest itself one way or another no matter how hard we try to discourage it. If we can't express it in an open and positive manner, it will cause us to act out in unhealthy ways, such as aggression or substance abuse. The nudists--the unsuspecting victims of this sexual repression--seem to have various ways displaying their behavior and of coping with the dilemma of being torn between the freedom that they know they could feel and the repression that they actually do feel. Many do what the rest of society does--they either numb themselves with substances such as nicotine and alcohol or they act on their sexual feelings and lie about it. Some, to the dismay of the owners of the so-called 'family nudist parks', no longer even lie about it. They are known as swingers and they are out there in numbers; but in spite of how we might characterize or judge their lifestyle, they are the honest ones.

The nudist organizations themselves are not to be too heavily blamed for their contribution to sexual repression, however. They, after all, are simply extensions of our Western society that for centuries has repressed human sexuality, and they have had to conform to present standards in order to survive at all. We at least need to give them credit for attempting to defy some of the rules of society and break free from the pack.

But if we are to ever become the enlightened society we are capable of being, we need to further free ourselves from the social restrictions and religious taboos that have forced our sexual energy to manifest itself in destructive ways. We need to learn to trust our sexuality and to fully express it; and learn that to be free with it does not mean we are going destroy ourselves. In fact, by repressing it we are destroying ourselves. Rather, being free with it means that we can channel it into creative expressions such as helping each other and saving the planet. Only when we fully accept and respect ourselves as sexual beings, will we truly see ourselves as more than that--as spiritual beings; and seeing ourselves as spiritual beings having a full human experience--including our sexually--is the highest form of self-acceptance there is.

I now have nudist friends who are not only comfortable with their bodies but with their sexuality as well. We associated outside the park, in our homes, etc. We feel comfortable to be ourselves and do not hide our sexuality from each other. In fact, we honor and celebrate it. The tension and discomfort that the gentleman referred to in his phone call are not there. IT IS RELAXING because it is self-acceptance. * * *

To receive a free e-copy (PDF file) of NAKED BEFORE GOD: A Look At Healing, Self-discovery and Spiritual Growth Through Social Nudism, go to http://less-onsfortruth.com/ or email me ddziegler44@yahoo.com

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


The Seven Lady Godivas
Posted by Hello

"He wrote: "....practically no one ever bothered to buy a copy.""

By Daniel D. Ziegler

With the death of Dr. Seuss (Theodore S. Geisel) in September of 1991, the world lost a brilliant writer; and, many of us feel that we also lost a good friend. Best known for his 41 children's books, he also wrote three adult books, two of those his final years--You're Only Old Once and Oh, the Places You'll Go!. But few know that his first adult book, The Seven Lady Godivas,* was published way back in 1939. It was not a success, however. It was reprinted in 1987 but failed again. In a letter to me, Dr. Seuss referred to it as a "failed publication." He wrote, "...practically no one ever bothered to buy a copy." Today it is no longer in print and is only available through the rare book market. This article is an attempt to revive interest in the book by sharing an astonishing discovery about it.

In 1976, thirty-seven years after the publication of The Seven Lady Godivas, a work appeared on the market entitled, A Course in Miracles,** Published by the Foundation for Inner Peace, it had been written, or more appropriately, taken down through dictation of an inner voice heard by a professor of psychology, Dr. Helen Schucman. The voice claimed to be Jesus.

A Course in Miracles has been translated into a number of languages and has become the foundation for spiritual growth for many people around the world. It aims, in its own words, "...at removing the barriers to the awareness of love's presence."

In 1990, I discovered The Seven Lady Godivas. At the time, I had been working with A Course in Miracles for almost three years. I found The Seven Lady Godivas to be a delightfully humorous work that expressed a strong sense of physical self-acceptance and freedom to which I, as a nudist, easily related.

But there seemed to be more. From the very beginning, one phrase seemed to grab my attention. The words were, "Follow me." Dr. Seuss writes:

"Then she knocked at her sister's door. ‘Follow me,' said Hedwig. Just that and nothing more."

In his brilliance, Dr. Seuss seems to deliberately draw attention to the words Follow me' by adding, "Just that and nothing more." ‘Follow me' jumped out at me and I immediately thought of the references in the New Testament (KJV) in which Jesus used those words to call his disciples.

By this time, the book itself was beckoning me to follow it. After a number of readings, other passages caught my attention as well; one, in particular, seemed to correspond to a passage from A Course in Miracles and another to a passage from the Bible. Upon closer examination, I was startled to discover that what was being revealed was that The Seven Lady Godivas contains a very profound spiritual message, and that the Bible, and more particularly, A Course in Miracles, are the keys to unlocking that message. The story seems to be a metaphor for our own spiritual journey.

This was an astonishing revelation to me, and I felt both a sense of elation and disbelief. Wondering, in fact, if what I was seeing was real or a product of my imagination, I shared my insight with a friend who was familiar with both works. She too was deeply moved by the uncanny connection.

Since that time, I have not been able to completely set The Seven Lady Godivas aside. The profundity of the message and the clarity with which A Course in Miracles reveals it still seems uncanny to me. And, since few copies of The Seven Lady Godivas have been purchased and obviously fewer by people familiar with A Course in Miracles, it has also occurred to me that perhaps I am the only one to have made this discovery. Thus, I feel compelled to write about it. The following is an attempt to share, as I see it, the spiritual message within The Seven Lady Godivas.

The tale begins as Lord Godiva announces to his seven daughters that he is leaving for the Battle of Hastings--by horseback. It is important to know that in 11th century Coventry, according to Dr. Seuss, the horse was still "experimental" and basically "remained a mystery." Lord Godiva doesn't even make it to the drawbridge before Nathan, his war horse, throws him "spurs over breastplate off on his helm." By the time his daughters get to him, Lord Godiva is dead.

Saddened by their loss but recognizing their "grim obligation" to mankind to shed some light on the horse and make it "safe for posterity," each Godiva sister swears that she will not marry until she has discovered a Horse Truth. Peeping Tom and his six brothers, to whom the Godiva sisters are engaged, await patiently as each girl pursues her Horse Truth Quest. As each discovers her Horse Truth, she is free, once again, to be reunited with her Peeping.

Through clever illustrations and witty writing, Dr. Seuss leads his readers through some hilarious experiences as each of the seven Lady Godivas follows her path toward discovery of a Horse Truth.

Laughing, the reader will relate to each of the girls as she is followed through her adventure. From one who says, "I want another horse," we realize that we must deal with our issues as we have created them. From another we learn that being kicked in the rear can put us right where we need to be at times.

There could be much speculation about hidden meaning in this wonderful tale, but to me the real significance of the story lies in its message of self-acceptance and freedom. Dr. Seuss describes the Godiva sisters' attitude as he writes:

"And their nakedness was not a thing of shame."

A sense of self-acceptance and it's related freedom, at the physical level, is conveyed with these words.

But a strong sense of self-acceptance at the mental and emotional levels is also obvious. Each girl follows her own path and pursues her Horse Truth in her own way. One sister, analytical in her approach uses research to find her Horse Truth. Another says, "I shall go at the horse from a nautical angle."

That the book contains a spiritual message of self-acceptance is not quite so obvious, but never-the-less, it is there. To unlock the message required me to allow my mind, in Dr. Seuss's words, "to gallop wild along the most amazing thought lanes." Doing so was quite an adventure for me.

As I stated, the words "Follow me" were the first hint I had of a spiritual quality to this book and they invited me to look closer at other passages that might contain spiritual implications. I began thinking Dr. Seuss's beautiful words expressing Lord Godiva's thoughts as he observed his daughters. The words themselves seem to want special attention. Dr. Seuss writes:

"No where, he thought with satisfaction, could there be a group of young ladies that wasted less time upon frivol and froth. No fluffy duff primping, no feather, no fuss. They were simply themselves and chose not to disguise it."

That description, especially the last sentence, reminded me of the words from A Course in Miracles:

"I am as God created me." (Lessons 94, 110, 162).

Although these words in A Course in Miracles refer to our higher self--our spirit--they aptly describe how the Godiva sisters must have felt about their bodies. It was possible, I thought, that the self-acceptance the girls felt about their physicality could be viewed as symbolic of how we are to view our spirituality. But yet that did not seem like enough evidence to conclude that the book carried a specific and intentional spiritual message.

The next passage to attract my attention first did so because it appears in italics. They are words spoken by Hedwig, the eldest daughter, as she instructs her sisters. As each discovers her Horse Truth, she is to inscribe it on a page in a special Oath Book, which Hedwig has prepared. Dr. Seuss writes:

"So long as your page remains empty of Horse Truth, so shall your life remain empty of

After reading the book several times, these words seemed to inscribe themselves on my mind, demanding to be understood. At one point, as I was playing with them, I rephrased them to read, ‘Find your Horse Truth and you will be free to love.' Then it hit my like a flash of light--they were similar to words from the Bible and I clearly saw them in front of me:

"And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free," (John 8, 32)

The tingling that went through body and the tears that flooded my eyes told me that I had been given an important revelation. There was no doubt now that this book contained some very profound spiritual information.

But it still seemed to be in bits and pieces. Was this all there was--two seemingly unrelated passages? Or was there more? Did this book only contain fragments of spiritual teachings? Were the pieces ever going to fit together?

This is what I had so far: One passage that seemed similar to, "I am as God created me," from A Course in Miracles and another that seemed similar to, "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free," from the Bible. If there was a spiritual message of some sort, what was it saying? What is the truth that makes us free? Free to do what? Was it trying to say that if we discover our Truth, then we will be able to experience love--just as when the Godiva sisters discovered their Horse Truths, they were free to be reunited with their lovers? Whose love would we experience? These were all questions that were "galloping wild though my mind."

Several weeks later, I had the answers to these questions. One day, as I was cross-referencing between the Bible and A Course in Miracles, I was led to the explanation of Lesson 110 of A Course in Miracles in the Workbook for Students. I could hardly believe what I was reading. At the top of the page read the words, "I am as God created me," and toward the bottom of the page, as part of the explanation, "This is the truth that comes to set you free."

As I read the words, I was overwhelmed with a sense of elation and tears once again flooded my eyes. Not only was I totally convinced that the story contained a very definite and clear message, but here it was in front of me, explained in A Course in Miracles. What is the truth that makes us free, and what are we free to do? What is our Truth or Highest?

According to A Course in Miracles, our Highest Truth is that, in spirit, we remain as God created us--perfect in His image; and it is with this realization that we are free to experience God's perfect love. It is the highest level of self-acceptance and freedom. It is also the end of our Horse Truth Quest--the end of our spiritual journey. We have arrived.

Here then, totally expose, standing in all its glory, is the message contained within The Seven Lady Godivas: ‘I AM AS GOD CREATED ME'.

Although many spiritual works convey that ultimately self-acceptance and freedom occur at the spiritual level, The Seven Lady Godivas is unique in its approach in that it deals with all levels of self-acceptance, beginning with the physical. It serves as an important reminder that we must accept our physicality before we can accept our spirituality. Self-awareness and self-acceptance at the spiritual level are not possible until we have removed all the blocks and barriers that stand in our way at lower levels. Even negative feelings about our bodies, are judgments that block our progress of spiritual growth. The Godiva sisters seem to be inviting all of us to reclaim acceptance of our original state--beginning with our bodies.

The Seven Lady Godivas is special to me. I wrote to Dr. Seuss several times, both to express my appreciation for the book and to offer my thoughts on it; and though he avoided answering any of my questions pertaining to the source of inspiration for the book, I'm so glad I took the time to write while he was still alive. In his letter to me he wrote:

Letter From Dr. Seuss
Posted by Hello

"Thank you, Dan Ziegler...For finding qualities in The Seven Lady Godivas that are not apparent to the average reader.

"There are, of course no average readers of this book because practically no one ever bothered to buy a copy.

"Your letter and your review were greatly appreciated. They made me feel that maybe this failed publication wasn't a complete failure after all.

Dr. Seuss."

Was this beautiful metaphor divinely inspired, thirty-seven years earlier, by that same author as A Course in Miracles? Was Dr. Seuss aware that he was writing about our spiritual journey and expressing our ultimate Truth? What was going on in his mind as he wrote it?

Perhaps we will never know the answer to these questions and others, but that is not important. The importance lies with the message itself--with the fact that we once again have been reminded of our Highest Truth. Throughout history, mankind has been given this message often--often misunderstood, often misinterpreted, often forgotten--only to be revealed again. When we seem to have forgotten, we are once again reminded.

It is my hope that enough interest can be stimulated to revive this book and warrant a reprinting. After all, it wasn't written to be "a failed publication." Translated, ‘Godiva' means ‘gift of God'. This book is a Godiva. * * *

* Seuss, Dr., The Seven Lady Godivas, Random House Publishing Company, 201 E. 50th Street, New York, NY 10032, 1987, ISBN 0-394-56269-0. (For possible availability call 1-800-733-3000.)

** A Course in Miracles, Foundation for Inner Peace, P.O.B. 1104 Glen Ellen, CA 95442. Portions reprinted by permission from A Course in Miracles, Copyright 1975, Foundation for Inner Peace.

Copyright 1999 Daniel D. Ziegler

To receive a free e-copy (PDF file) of my book NAKED BEFORE GOD: A Look At Healing, Self-discovery and Spiritual Growth Through Social Nudism, go to http://less-onsfortruth.com/ or email me ddziegler44@yahoo.com

Monday, January 23, 2006


Note: This was written by a good friend and because it is so well expressed, I decided to include it here among my writings. ddz

"Naturism has become a healing balm for my weary spirit."

By Shirley Swift

THE BREEZE DANCED across the lake creating sparkling diamonds on the water. It was a sight I'd experienced many times before. However, when the breeze reached me this time, it gently brought me into an awareness that I was part of the scene that lay before me--I was one with the Earth and the Water and the Air. Finally, there were no barriers, real or contrived. I sat there feeling connected with something greater than me--with myself feeling complete with nature; and amazed that I had waited until I was 48 years old to shed my clothes at the edge of a lake.

A new acquaintance by the name of Dan Ziegler, who is an avid naturist kept telling me about Turtle Lake Resort, the clothing-optional park he visited every week end. Of course, the first thought that came to mind was that there was no way I was going to visit a nudist colony, and I wasn't sure I would continue the acquaintance either. He and I were both on a path of spiritual growth, but I didn't need to get naked to find myself. Over several months he became my friend and I learned he wasn't anything like the stereotypical sex-crazed person I had in mind when nudism is the topic.

It took a while to actually have enough courage to experience social nudity. When the time was right, I entered the park and received an orientation and a tour. At first, every joke and cartoon I had ever seen or heard about nudists crossed my mind. It took me a while to get used to feeling sweat trickle down my body instead of being trapped and soaked up by my clothes, and I hated the way my legs rubbed together. However, I found security in the towel I carried to sit on, but eventually I didn't have to hide behind it any longer.

I learned being a naturist is nothing about exhibitionism. I found entire families experiencing oneness with nature -- swimming, boating, playing on the beach, playing volleyball, biking, hiking, camping - you name it. There is a generous usage of sunscreen, especially with youngsters, but other than that, being nude gave them no restrictions in activities.

Self-acceptance is a high priority issue when striving toward spiritual growth, and visiting the park was last stretch needed toward arriving at a comfort level where I could rest for a while before continuing the climb. Naturism has become a healing balm for my weary spirit. Now, looking back at my reluctance, I see many things in an expanded light. A Bible passage says, "…you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." The applied truth involved in accepting oneself does set one free to grow and learn. It is a kind of freedom that has to be embraced. I can't imagine life without spending my weekends "naked before God" surrounded by nature's beauty. * * *

To receive a free e-copy (PDF file) of my book NAKED BEFORE GOD: A Look At Healing, Self-discovery and Spiritual Growth Through Social Nudism, go to http://less-onsfortruth.com/ or email me ddziegler44@yahoo.com

Sunday, January 22, 2006


"Simply feeling good about our sexuality will go along way toward healing many of our social ills."

By Daniel D. Ziegler

If we listen to the news and look at the newspapers, we realize that we as a society obviously have problems. We seem to be a society out of control. Some say we have lost our morals. Others say we have forgotten God. Still others say greed has taken over or that our lives are too complicated, we need to simplify them. That we have a problem, we agree on. What we don't seem to be able to agree upon is what the real problem or problems are. Whatever the problem is, it shows up in many forms--anger, violence and rage and all too often, in deadly shootings. And it shows up everywhere--in our schools, in our businesses, in government, in our homes, in churches, everywhere. There seems to be no group or situation that escapes its grip.

Deep inside, unconsciously, many of us know or sense what the problem is--at least a big part of it. But by the very sensitive nature of the problem itself, we are discouraged from admitting to it, from looking at it, and certainly from talking about it or suggesting what it might be for fear of being branded as being part of the problem itself. So we remain silent, and it remains an unmentionable. We go about our daily lives either ignoring it or looking for some other issue, or issues, to blame, kidding ourselves into thinking we can solve it some other way--fewer guns, perhaps more guns, tighter gun controls, and on and on and on. But we can't. These suggestions are simply scapegoats skirting the issue, and we won't solve the problem it until we have the courage to face it head on.

Perhaps it is in one of the ways that the problem shows up that is most telling or most revealing of itself. It is in the form of perverted and abusive sex. While this can be most revealing, it also can is the most distracting clue too, for in these cases sex itself seems to be the culprit, or at least our handling, or mishandling, of sex. Yet this idea is misleading and without careful re-examination, we can be led down a path which can only make the problem worse, not better. So the real problem continues to elude most of us.

A few brave souls in our past know and have known what the problem is--or at least a major portion of it--and have been trying to do something about it for years. These are brave souls indeed, pioneers, in a sense, going where no man or woman in our society has gone before. But many of these individuals are not well known to the general public, and if they are, they are branded as being on the fringes of society, certainly not mainstream and certainly not people we would want to be seen or identified with. So we won't see them at a White House conference on crime, for example.

What is the problem? The problem is simply our negative attitude toward our sexuality--not our sexuality, but our negative attitude toward it--and our resulting ignorance. The problem reaches every aspect of our lives, and the affects are far more reaching than any of us imagine.

Basically we are a sexually frustrated society. We are a society operating on misdirected sexual energy. We are like a creative child whose creativity is stifled and whose repressed creative energy displays itself in frustration, in the form of anger, violence and destruction. With that child, the creative energy shows its dark and shadowy side. And so it is with our society.

Another way of looking at it is to think of someone who has poor eating habits and is not eating properly, and therefore not getting their nutritional needs met. The body cries out trying to satisfy itself but because of the poor eating habits, the person ends up "pigging out" on junk food, which can lead to all kinds of problems--including behavioral. This is what is happening to us because we are pigging out on "junk sex" because healthy sex is illudes us because of repression. The anger, the violence, the road rage, drug use, shootings, and all the rest that are so prevalent with us, is simply our repressed creative sexual energy showing up as frustration. We are experiencing our dark and ugly sides because our light and healthy sides have been held down, repressed.

The most direct way this shows up, of course, is sexual. It shows up in the form of perverted and abusive sex--and our fascination and obsession with it. An example of this, an incident related to a former president, is still all too fresh in our memories. But let us make no mistake about this, though, sexual repression rears its ugly head in many, many ways, not just sexual. Another example is our general attitude of shame toward our bodies. We cover our bodies for concealment and adornment based on shame, and we have become obsessed with fashion to the point where teenagers are shooting each other over jackets and sneakers. The diet industry bombards us with often dangerous products, and women have dangerous breast implants inserted. All this because we don't like our bodies, we don't like ourselves--which is ultimately based on our negative attitude toward our own sexuality. The problem of sexual repression is far reaching.

This is not startling new information, though. Freud, and others have taught us about sexual energy, and what happens with us when we repress it. Wilhelm Reich, who wrote several books dealing with sexual repression including The Mass Psychology of Fascism, was thrown in prison where he eventually died for teaching that sexual energy is healing energy and could actually heal cancer. Talk about repression.

But this type of repression is still going on today, such that any public figure that dares to speak out on the issue is quickly and quietly shoved back into the background and into the fringes. That's how deeply ingrained the problem is. An example of this occurred a some ago when Dr. Joycelyn Elders was fired from her post as Surgeon General of the United State for merely suggesting that we talk about masturbation in our schools as a way of curbing teenage pregnancies. Dr Elders saw the problem, and was sincere in her desire to offer positive solutions. She was on to something, and most of us know that at some level. But our shame, our embarrassment, our guilt, and in general, our fear (or rather the fears of our elected politicians) all led us away from what would be a simple and healthy solution--or at least part of the solution--of a serious problem plaguing our society. Fortunately Dr. Elders is still doing her brave work today she but she remains outside of the public sector. Our loss.

We are making some progress, though, but we still have along ways to go. Today we are learning that Reich was correct. Sexual energy IS creative energy, IS life energy, IS life itself. It is the most powerful energy there is, and if we try to smother it, it will show up some other way--and show up it will. And that is what is happening in our society and that is what we need to learn. Now, can we admit to that? And if we can, how do we have it not manifest itself in negative ways? How do we let our sexuality play itself out in healthy ways? Aren't we talking about a sexual revolution with such ideas? All good and very important questions.

As a result of thousands of years of sexual repression through religious restrictions, social taboos, moral codes, emotional conventions, etc., it is difficult for of us to even know what healthy sexuality is, let alone how to let it play out. We are simply ignorant. All we know or all we have been taught-- our entire attitude toward sexuality--is based on shame, embarrassment, guilt and fear. That cannot possibly be healthy, and so healthy sexuality, for the most part, remains a mystery to us. We, as a society, probably don't yet have the slightest clue as to the beauty of human sexuality and how it can help lead us to spiritual enlightenment. But we need to start learning fast, and stop fearing it, or it will destroy us.

The fear that we have of unleashing our sexuality is that, as a society, we would totally lose control if we were allowed to experience and express all our natural urges. What is happening, though, is that we have gone totally out of control as a result of repressing these natural urges. The very thing that we fear is now occurring as a result of our fear, only in a different way. We are out of control with violence.

To correct the problem we must face our fear, that is stop being ashamed of our sexuality, stop feeling embarrassed over feeling sexual, stop feeling guilty over being sexual and stop fearing our sexuality all together. If we can begin to feel good about our sexuality, we will begin feeling good about ourselves. And why shouldn't we? After all, we were created as sexual beings, so to feel good about that, is to feel good about who we are; and when we can feel good about ourselves, we will feel better toward each other.

Simply feeling good about our sexuality will go a long way toward healing many of our social ills. All we need to do is get in touch with ourselves, be ourselves, let ourselves out, and be all that we are. We all are simply crying to be let out. As creations of the Universe, all we want is to be seen and recognized for who and what we are, and that includes sexual beings. This won't require a sexual revolution, just an awakening. And, we would no more get out of control than a creative child gets out of control when that child is handed a set of paints and paper or is exposed to music and begins to dance. A healthy expression and release of our sexual energy will remove the frustration that we now live with. It will allow us to feel good about ourselves, and it will allow us to re-channel much of that energy into many new forms of creative social endeavors that will genuinely improve social conditions on the planet. We will not lose control, as we have feared.

But how do we begin? Again, by first being willing to look at ourselves, recognizing that our attitude toward our sexuality might just be a major problem, that it just may be the cause of what is going on in our society. This will probably be a most difficult step to take, however, because we are in such denial over the whole issue of our sexuality. The ingraining runs very deep and like all denials, covers its own tracks. But if we are to save ourselves from our own self-destruction, we must begin, and that is where--admit our mistake.

Then, we need to actually get in touch with our sexuality. This may not be easy either, again because we have never truly done that. We have never truly accepted our sexuality as something healthy and beautiful. And, we may not be able to overcome all the shame, embarrassment, guilt and fear in our lifetime, but we can at least begin, thus leaving the door open for our children to break the cycle we have been trapped in.

To get in touch with our sexuality, we need to step out of our comfort zone and learn of sexuality anew. We can begin by reading books on sexuality--even erotica. There are many good books in our bookstores, and now many books on spirituality even include discussions of positive sexuality. One of the pioneers I refer to is Betty Dodson PhD sex educator and author of SEX FOR ONE and ORGASMS FOR TWO. I highly recommend these. The Internet, in spite of its reputation for containing pornography, contains a wealth of good information. There are many excellent web sites dedicated to positive human sexuality, and there are many excellent books and videos available through these sites. A good site is the Society for Human Sexuality. Much of this information is provided by those whom I mentioned earlier--the pioneers--who work on the fringes of our society doing the ground work in human sexuality. They are the ones who recognize that we have serious problems in the area of our sexuality, and they are the real experts on the subject.

Then, attend lectures and seminars. Start discussion groups--even in our churches--where there may be the most opposition but where they most needed. Share with others the material that we have. Talk openly with others, and share what we've learned--and what we're feeling.And, learn about ourselves. This is so important. Learn to like ourselves, learn to love ourselves, and most importantly, learn to make love to ourselves, and to be totally in touch with how that feels. And, feel good about doing that. That is an important step because self-love is the beginning of all love.

And the last thing we need to do, but certainly not the least important, is to teach our children to love themselves and their sexuality--no shame, no embarrassment, no guilt, and no fear--just to love themselves, as Dr. Elders was suggesting. Our teenage children need a healthy and safe release of their sexual energy, and they need and deserve our support and encouragement in doing so, after all, they are sexual beings too. Again, this may not be an easy step for us, especially since we have pushed the job of sex education off on to our schools because we were afraid to talk about it ourselves--or didn't know enough about it. Again, the shame and embarrassment runs deep, but let's not pass as much of it on to our children as was passed on to us. Rather, let us teach them love, beginning with self-love. An excellent book in thie area is HARMFUL TO MINORS: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex by Judith Levine.

These steps will all serve as a beginning. Since we are products of sexual repression, we have no clear guidelines to go by, so much of what we will learn will be discovered as we go along. But if we can constantly remind ourselves to always come from love and never from fear, we will be guided through this uncharted territory to our destination.

In conclusion, it would serve us well to be honest with ourselves over this whole issue and admit we know what the problem is. If we can, we will have made great strides into healing the human psyche--and the planet. We may, indeed, even be saving ourselves. To look at ourselves honestly is perhaps the most difficult part but also the most rewarding. We must then trust this process, and if we can trust the process, the rest will follow. The next generation can live more peaceful lives and can enjoy what we most feared--our own God-given sexuality. Let us be the ones who discover that our sexuality can indeed lead us to enlightenment. And, let's not forget to have fun.

My Vision of the World:
I see a world in which we are neither burdened by shame of our bodies nor fear of our sexuality and we are free to seek the highest expression of our human experience. ddz

To receive a free e-copy (PDF file) of my book NAKED BEFORE GOD: A Look At Healing, Self-discovery and Spiritual Growth Through Social Nudism, go to http://less-onsfortruth.com/ or email me ddziegler44@yahoo.com

Saturday, January 21, 2006


"The fact that this sacred shape has been chosen to deliver our sexuality indicates the sacredness and the significance of sex."

PENIS: The Shape of Things to Come
By Daniel D. Ziegler

Have you ever looked closely at a penis, I mean REALLY looked at it, studied it? If we allow ourselves to get past the embarrassment, shame, guilt and judgment connected with our sexuality that sometimes prevents us from taking a close look at such things, we see that the shape of the penis is truly fascinating--particularly, the glans, or the head. But not just the penis, the tip of the clitoris as well. They are very similar--the clitoris is just smaller and more difficult to see. The shape of the penis is absolutely amazing, compelling even alluring. The mere art of it draws our attention--both men’s and women’s. It’s simplicity, its complexity, its beauty draws us; and then somewhere deep inside, below the level of most of our culturally negative influenced conscious thinking, it leaves us wondering why it’s shaped the way it is.

But I had to know why, and so I asked the Universe to show me--and It did. Not all at once, just a little bit at a time, and I probably don’t have all the answers yet, but what I have I’ll share, so follow me.

Looking at the shape of the head and tracing around the edge, following the curves, and knowing the purpose that it serves--procreation and pleasure--it was telling me that the secrets of the Universe are held within its shape. Part of me questioned that revelation, but I knew it was true. I just knew it. In your mind, isolate that shape and trace around it, and let it speak to you. You’ll see what I mean, the secrets of the Universe ARE within it.

Functionally, during intercourse, it acts like a round squeegee on the end of a plunger making sure the sexual fluids are forced deeply into the womb where conception can take place. With the in-stroke--thrust--the gentle rim pushes fluids inward, and on the out-stroke--withdrawal--it gathers the fluids along the back edge of the rim allowing them to be led by gravity down around to the bottom groove to be pushed in again by the next thrust. From an engineering standpoint, it is perfect. But then again, nature always is.

But I knew there had to be more to its secrets. After all, sex isn’t just for procreation. Simply put, it’s about pleasure and love too. It’s about coming together, and all that leads up to coming together--all the junk we go through, all the fears we overcome and finally, the love that we feel when we are finally able to penetrate the barriers that have kept us apart. What does the penis have to say about that? What can we learn about sexuality, or even about ourselves, from its shape?

Let’s start with a geometric shape called the cardioid shape. It appears throughout nature. It is basically a heart without a point. Leaves of many plants, such as a lily pad, are often are that shape. The cross-section of the stems of many plants are also cardioid shaped. Some shell fish have that shape, and many other living organisms contain the cardioid shape somewhere within their structure. It is a basic shape in nature, and this fact seems to speak of its importance. I’m sure there is more significance to the shape than that and students of sacred geometry, I’m sure, could add to it.

To generate a cardioid on paper is simple. Just trace one point on the edge of a circle as you rotate it around the perimeter of another circle of the same size. Another way is simply to cut out a heart and trim off the point.

Now imagine with me for a minute--or better yet, cut one out of a piece of paper, and forming it into a cone, join the two edges together where the curve is the sharpest, where the heart forms a groove. What you should have is a slightly flattened version of the head of the penis, and on a smaller scale, the clitoris. The most sensitive parts of our sexual organs are cardioid in shape. So simple yet containing so much mystery, and to further examine it mysteriousness, let us get theoretical for a few minutes.

The following is no doubt oversimplified, but only for the purpose of understanding it. In chaos theory, there is an equation that marks the point where chaos meets order, a point where chaos turns suddenly to order. It’s like a theoretical membrane that separates chaos and order; and there is a particular mathematical equation that scientists have discovered that represents that point. Now, simple equations can easily be plotted on a graph so we can see the shape that they represent. If you had high school algebra, you may remember plotting simple or even quadratic equations. We got straight lines or fancy curves, or whatever. This equation, in chaos theory, however, is quite complex and could not be plotted until we developed high-speed computers.When this equation was finally plotted, the shape that it generated was named a Mandelbrot Set. It belongs to a group of shapes called fractals, and they basically repeat themselves infinitely as the computer zooms in or zooms out.

The basic shape behind the Mandelbrot Set is the cardioid shape and as was said earlier, it is basically a heart without a point. So, if you can imagine a cardioid, a heart without a point, around whose perimeter are connected other smaller cardioids and around them still smaller cardioids, basically, you have a Mandelbrot Set. Zooming in to any portion of its perimeter, you will see smaller cardioids upon even smaller cardioids upon smaller cardioids, etc.; or, zooming out, you will see the pattern repeated ad infinitum.

The real remarkable thing about the Mandelbrot Set is, that theoretically, if you alter one small part of it, you are making that alteration to every part of it. It’s holographic in that respect--the whole is contained in all its parts. Change one part and you’ve changed them all. Now what does this have to do with the penis and clitoris, or more generally, with sexuality?

The Divine Creator, the Universe, or what ever you want to call the Creative Force, has chosen this shape for the organs through which we express our sexuality. This shape, that represents the point between chaos and order, is used to deliver our sexuality, and so it represents the point of the ultimate coming together as human beings. When people overcome their fears of each other and of coming together and agree to have sex, then the point between fear and love is crossed, the same point that represents crossing from chaos to order; and so love becomes the ultimate order of the Universe.

The fact that this sacred shape has been chosen to deliver our sexuality indicates the sacredness and the significance of sexuality. Our sexuality can be looked upon, therefore, as our highest physical expression possible. Each sexual act, alone or with others, if consciously engaged in from a place of love, affects the whole Universe, or more correctly, taps into the Universal power of love. Realizing this, we can see that our sexuality is certainly not something over which to be embarrassed, shameful, guilty or judgmental. Rather, it is to shared, enjoyed even celebrated.

Think about that the next time you look at a penis--and really look at it. * * *

To receive a free e-copy (PDF file) of my book NAKED BEFORE GOD: A Look At Healing, Self-discovery and Spiritual Growth Through Social Nudism, go to http://less-onsfortruth.com/ or email me ddziegler44@yahoo.com

Friday, January 20, 2006


"....could the penis and the clitoris, the primary organs involved in pleasure and reproduction, contain a memory of our cosmic origins or past?"

By Daniel D. Ziegler

Circumcision, a mutilating practice thousands of years old that actually removes up to sixty percent or more of the nerve endings of the penis, is now finally being questioned by many in the medical profession and is no longer covered by some insurance companies. In addition, information about reversal procedures is also now becoming widely available. Several years ago I discovered a book entitled The Joy of Uncircumcising by Dr. Jim Bigelow. It describes a process of restoring to near-normal the foreskin of a circumcised male penis through a process of stretching the skin. I employed Dr. Bigelow’s techniques, as well as some of my own innovations, with surprising results and benefits, including increased sensitivity. But unfortunately, lost nerve endings can never be replaced. This is not the main purpose of this article, however. The purpose is to examine possible origins and intent of circumcision.

Dr. Bigelow also includes a good deal of information about the surgical procedures used in the circumcision operation. What most of us think is a simple painless procedure turns out not to be the case, after all. The operation is performed on infants strapped to board using no anesthetic. He also includes some historical information regarding the practice of circumcision, some with which I was familiar, such as Yahweh’s (Jehovah) ordering of circumcision as a symbol of his covenant with Abraham, as described in Genesis 17 of the Old Testament. And, he mentions that the early Egyptians practiced circumcision prior to the time that Abraham lived. Thus, circumcision has perhaps affected more men throughout history than any other single religious or medical practice.

Learning all of this and also having read many books dealing with possible extraterrestrial interaction with and negative influence on early humankind, particularly with regard to religions and even the possibility of a master/slave relationship, I began to ask myself questions--some pretty far-out: Since there is evidence of a possible connection between Sirius--the Dog Star--and Egypt, even the possibility that pre-dynasty Egypt was actually seeded or genetically influenced by Siriusians “sky-gods” and ruled by them, could the practice of circumcision thus have been initiated or instituted by the Siriusians? If so, was Yahweh, the god of the Children of Israel, also a sky-god from Sirius?

While some of these questions may never be satisfactorily answered, they kept running through my mind and they led me back to a book called The Sirius Mystery by Robert K. G. Temple. I learned that the subjects of Temple’s book, the Dogon tribe of northern Africa, performed circumcision as part of their Sigui ceremony. This is a ceremony thousands of years old based on their phenomenal knowledge and connection with Sirius B (Digitaria), an invisible dwarf star that we didn’t discover until the early 1900's. Circumcision remains a fundamental part of their religious rituals today.

The next question I asked myself was, Why? Rituals usually have some practical basis or origin, that is, they usually begin for practical reasons and later, when the reasons for doing it have long been forgotten, they are continued as blind rituals. Knowing this, could Yahweh’s ordering of circumcision have had a more practical purpose than a mere symbol of a covenant? And what about the Dogon’s practice of circumcision, could that once have served a practical purpose?

The first answer that came to mind, to the question of Why? is that it may have been a method of identification (as taught by some religions yet today), that is, to identify for the purpose dividing and separating people as a means of control (inherent in shy-god religions). But it seems evident that surely there would better ways to achieve identification, such as a tatoo or nipped earlobe (as was used to identify Israelite slaves). Circumcision does not seem practical for the purpose of identification, especially considering the way it was originally performed. The early practice among the Jews was called Milah and removed only the tip of the foreskin, (frenar band) leaving practically the whole foreskin intact and hardly distinguishable from an uncut penis. Identification does not seem to be a logical explanation.

Other reasons that came to mind as to Why? are that it may have had to do with hygiene or to prevent masturbation. But after reading Dr. Bigelow’s book, it does not seem that either of these reasons have much merit either. Sexual repression in general could also have been a reason for circumcision since it is known that sexuality can play a large role in the process of spiritual enlightenment. The removal of sensitive, pleasure nerve endings would certainly play a part in suppressing sexuality, but would hardly be as effective as imposing strict social and moral codes, which we know have successfully led to repressed sexuality. That, too, seems unlikely. So after all the popular reasons given for the practice of circumcision are dismissed, we are still left with the question Why? Why circumcision? There had to be a specific and practical reason for such a wide spread practice.

This is where I begin to speculate: Knowing that the basis for sky-god religions is that humans are slaves to a superior alien custodial race, and that control is essential in maintaining the master/slave relationship, and also knowing that circumcision had to have been of practical value, could it be that circumcision had to do with control? It is a good possibility so let’s explore it.

If we, homo-sapiens, are indeed a slave race, created through genetic engineering, or more specifically, through unplugging and deactivating stands of DNA, the engineering would have included attempts, by the custodians, to remove any and all memory or our previous existence. Any memory of who or what we were originally--that is, spiritual beings—would have to be removed in order to prevent us from awakening and ultimately rebelling. These attempts would have included shutting down or removing any parts or systems of the human body or psyche that possibly contained any cosmic memory. Let’s explore the concept and possibility of such a memory, or cosmic memory, existing.

Reflexologists believe that the feet, hands and even ear lobes contain nerve endings that correspond to other parts of the body. When these points are stimulated, healing of the corresponding organ can occur. In a similar belief within in the practice of Tantra, the penis and clitoris contain nerve endings that correspond to other body parts as well. It is believed that the very tip of the penis and the clitoris correspond to the top of the head or the area of the crown chakra--the seat of our spirituality. It is also recognized, by any good body worker or massage therapist, that our body’s muscular structures contain memories of events from our past or from our childhood. Putting these two bits of information together, could the penis and clitoris, which contain nerve endings that correspond to the crown chakra, contain cosmic memories?
Could the body itself, or even individual cells, contain cosmic memories of our origin in a similar manner that a broken piece of a hologram picture contains the picture of the whole? Or more specifically, could the penis and the clitoris, the primary organs involved in pleasure and reproduction, contain a memory of our cosmic origins or past? And, thus, could the ordering of circumcision (removal of part of the foreskin) and excision (removal of the clitoris) be desperate but futile last minute attempts by Yahweh, or other sky-gods, to remove any remaining cosmic memory--memories which might help us to awaken to our cosmic reality, to our spirituality? And, in addition, could this explain the extreme deep-felt anger and resentment some men in our society have toward being circumcised--as expressed in Dr. Bigelow’s book? These possibilities certainly deserve our attention.

If the answer to these questions are "Yes", it would be consistent with the theories of William Bramley in The Gods of Eden, Zecharia Sitchin in his Earth Chronicles series of books as well as Dr. Arthur David Horn in Humanity’s Extraterrestrial Origins. These three distinguished researchers seem to think there is sufficient evidence to believe that we have been, and possibly still are, slaves to a more technically advanced group or groups of beings. If so, what I have just outlined regarding the origins of circumcision is a real possibility.

But, let’s not stop here. Taking this one step further, it is therefore also a possibility then, that by continuing this ‘religious’ procedure, we may indeed be impeding our own spiritual growth, and that by discontinuing circumcision (both male and female) we could actually hasten our spiritual enlightenment and independence from these “sky gods.”

Regardless, however, if any of this is true, let us free ourselves of this painful, mutilating procedure since there is no practical justification of it for us today. * * *

Copyright 2004 Daniel D. Ziegler

To receive a free e-copy (PDF file) of my book NAKED BEFORE GOD: A Look At Healing, Self-discovery and Spiritual Growth Through Social Nudism, go to http://less-onsfortruth.com/ or email me ddziegler44@yahoo.com

Thursday, January 19, 2006



A Review by Daniel D. Ziegler

Thou art God. Do you grok* it? If you were part of Valentine Michael Smith’s Church of All Worlds, you would.

This book was published in 1961 and no doubt had a big influence on the ‘60’s. I did not read it then; perhaps I would not have understood it the way I do now, so, it’s not too late for you to pick it up. Some of the ideas of the ‘60’s, such as “Make Love Not War” would be welcome today.

Smith was born of astronaut parents on man’s first Mars landing mission and was the only survivor. Having been raised by Martians, he was returned to Earth some 25 years later where he finds that, although he is biologically human, in many ways he is more Martian, for he has powers of which other humans are not aware. Taken under the wings of a writer named Jubal and a nurse named Jill, he learns what he needs to survive in Earth’s madness AND he teaches them what they don’t know about themselves.

Having been raised on a planet where maleness and femaleness do not exist, he understands that the greatest gift that humans have is their sexuality, yet they don’t understand it and therefore misuse it. Smith leads his followers on a path that leads from embarrassment, shame, guilt and dysfunctional jealousy (and often boredom) to one of enlightenment and pure love (and excitement), and it is through this that they discover that they are, indeed, God.

There are some of Heinlein’s ideas that I have to question, such as the use of alcohol in finding enlightenment. We know today that alcohol is a depressant and although it leads to lowered inhibitions, it does so by shutting us down rather than raising our awareness, thus creating more problems than it’s worth. I question whether an organization’s excessive use of alcohol would even allow it to survive and I question whether alcohol can even take us to a higher state of consciousness in the first place. Certainly safer and better ways are known to help remove our armor and lead us to higher states of awareness, such as meditation, chanting, drumming circles or music.

In my estimation. this book should be required reading for all seminary students, for it raises the questions about religion that they need to be asking themselves, and that WE ALL need to be asking ourselves. You will grok. DDZ

* grok: To understand profoundly through intuition or empathy.

To receive a free e-copy (PDF file) of my book NAKED BEFORE GOD: A Look At Healing, Self-discovery and Spiritual Growth Through Social Nudism, go to http://less-onsfortruth.com/ or email me ddziegler44@yahoo.com

Wednesday, January 18, 2006



by Daniel D. Ziegler

Although not surprising to insiders, it certainly came as major surprises to First Lady Laura Bush and former First Lady Barbara Bush when their husband and son respectively, George W., announced today that he had converted to the Islam faith and changed his name to Muhammad Dubya.

“I was shocked,” said Laura Bush, “when George handed me a hijab and asked me to try it on.” A visibly shaken and angry Barbara Bush said it sounded like a call to jihad in the Bush family.

But to insiders of George W. politics, this move came as no surprise, neither was it a surprise to students of Western history, particularly the Roman Empire. It was Emperor Constantine in the 4th century AD, who when felt threatened by the surging power of Christians, made a brilliant political move by converting to Christianity.

With the recent rise on anti-American sentiment in the Muslim world standing in the way of President Bush’s ambition of controlling mid-eastern oil, Bush advisers have suggested for sometime now that possibly the only way to conquer them was to join them. It worked for Constantine then, why would it not work for Bush today?

But George W. Bush, a devout Christian and a very religious man, was troubled by such a suggestion. “That would be heresy,” he told his advisers, until it was explained to him that Constantine, after converting to Christianity, proceeded to make Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire and set himself up as head of the Christian Church. He thus was able to control the Roman Empire both politically and religiously. George W. began to see the light.

Constantine was no dummy. Once in charge of Christianity, he proceeded to change it to his liking. He incorporated pagan holidays and rituals into Christian customs and went so far as to throw out much of what he didn’t agree with from the then known Bible. We owe much to this man who cleaned up Christianity.

George W. Bush now feels he understands his true destiny. And for us, understanding all this, it comes as no surprise what Muhammad Dubya has up the sleeve of his thobe. In addition to plenty of fuel for our petronomic future, we can look forward to many wonderful changes, including “In Oil We Trust” on our money.

There will be a formal announcement at a press conference from the White House today, just before the 5 pm prayers.

Copyright 2003 Daniel D. Ziegler

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Some people frequently make the News by making ridiculous statements. Such is the case with Pat Robertson who last week said it was God’s punishment for dividing up the Holy Land that Ariel Sharon is suffering from a stroke. Remarks like this are so unbelievable that they first appear to be satire, yet, knowing the sources, we sadly realize they are speaking what they believe. President Bush is another of these noteworthy news makers. It is hard for satirists to top some of these but the following is, in my opinion, something else Robertson could have said.

ROBERTSON: Sex to Become Obsolete

By Daniel D. Ziegler

It might be a hard pill to swallow, but it was suggested today, by Pat Robertson, in a speech to a pharmaceutical conference addressing ethical considerations, that sexual reproduction should be completely outlawed. In a complete turn-around from his previous stands on cloning and stem cell research, Robertson suggested that pharmaceutical companies be given the go-ahead to begin cloning and using other non-sexual reproduction methods and procedures to propagate the human race.

“I have re-examined my position on cloning,” he said. “It would save the human race from complete moral degradation.” Robertson added, “Sex is the cause of immorality not only in this country but around the world. Just look at AIDS. We need to relieve ourselves of sex before God destroys us and we vanish from the planet. Asexual reproduction is the best way and I know God would approve.”

Robertson, thought to be a large stockholder of several drug firms, explained that pharmaceutical companies, with their large profits, can use their vast resources to “further line their pockets while contributing to the benefit of mankind.” He added, “We need large pharmas if the human race is to survive. Without all our pills, where would we be?”

Outlining such a program, the moral leader explained that although this method seems radical to some, it really lies in the best interest of all. “Children, particularly, would benefit,” Robertson told his audience, “since we know that children suffer irreparable harm from being exposed to the most seemingly insignificant acts of sex, such as seeing a mother breast feeding a child. Total abstinence and growing up in a sexless world would produce generations of morally and psychologically healthy children,” he added.

“Making sexual reproduction a crime would eventually lead to forgetting about sex entirely,“ a copy of the full speech stated. “Once we have reached that goal, so-called sex crimes, such as pornography and prostitution, would no longer attract people. There would be no need for them, right?” The copy further suggested, it would eventually lead to less or no homosexuality also, since homosexuality is nothing but a perversion of normal sex, which itself is the basis of immorality, as already pointed out.

“And it goes without saying,” Robertson spoke, “without sex, AIDS and other STD’s would no longer inflict the human race and the pharmaceutical companies would no longer be burdened to supply these drugs to our third world countries. Instead they could focus their production and profits on producing moral, Christian human beings over there. There is no doubt that there would be many willing to pay for such a service.”

In connection to Robertson’s speech, it was reported by an unknown source that a wire tapped phone call from President Bush to Robertson included Bush asking Robertson if somehow oil companies could be included in his plan. “Surely there is enough money in getting rid of sex for all of us, especially compassionate, loving Christians,” he was heard saying. “Know what I mean? “Ah…let’s you and I get together, Pat, and feel this thing out, okay?.” The recording continued with an inaudible response from Robertson.

Copyright 2006 Daniel D. Ziegler

To receive a free e-copy (PDF file) of my book NAKED BEFORE GOD: A Look At Healing, Self-discovery and Spiritual Growth Through Social Nudism, go to http://less-onsfortruth.com/ or email me ddziegler44@yahoo.com