By Pazzi Wan
YOU OFTEN SPEAK OF YOURSELVES as "spiritual beings having a human experience," and while this is true, you would be more accurate in your thinking if you referred to yourselves as 'spiritual beings having a sexual experience.'
Consider the possibility that sexuality is the main reason for the human experience, the reason spiritual beings, in general, incarnate in human form. Remember, without physicality, spirit cannot experience the sex act so taking on a physical body is necessary for this. Think about it: You come into the physical world as a result of the sexual act and you procreate through the very same act. Nothing speaks more clearly to the magnificence of human sexuality than the fact that it's used to create human life; and it reasonably follows, then, that a major reason for the human experience is to experience the magnificence of sexuality. When you get this, you will stop degrading the sexual experience and you will begin to experience and enjoy it much differently.
Because it is what you came here to experience, sex will always continue to be a dominant part of your lives, as it is now, but when you begin to see it in a more positive way, you will no longer let it control you. If you don't think it controls you now, look around you. It controls virtually every aspect of your lives. You are obessed with sex, either trying to promote it or to prevent it. The advertising industry is just one example of promoting it. Your most successful (and often most harmful) products are sold to you through, and contain, sex appeal. Your television is one of the media used for this, yet on this same TV you are not permitted to view a mother nursing her baby because the bare breast is associated with sex, thus an example your efforts to prevent sex. Yes, it controls you.
The problem is that you have a negative attitude toward sexuality, therefore, your sex controls you in negative ways. You are experiencing the dark and shadowy side of your sexuality which is often fosters anger, frustration, low-self-esteem, violence and even illness.
Now, when you finally accept that the reason you came here in the first place is to experience sexuality, you will look at it much differently. You will see it as a gift to experience as pleasure and joy. It will continue to be a dominant force in your lives, as it does now--because that is the very reason you came here--but you will be in control of it. This will allow you to experience it in positve ways and evolve through it in its many layers--from purely physical to highly spiritual.
This will come about when you are allowed to begin your experience with your sexuality as children and as you are taught, early on, to appreciate and to enjoy it. One thing you will be taught, for instance, and encouraged to do, is to masturbate. Masturbation is a fundamental sex act and it is the primary sex act since it is your first expereince with your sexuality. A new attitude toward this practice is what will keep sex from being expressed as a violent outbursts of frustration and anger as it so often is done now among your young people (as well as to prevent unwanted pregnacies). A healthy positive attitude and practice of masturbation, even in, and especially in, relationships, will keep sex in the proper perspective throughout all your lives and much of the frustration, anger and low self-esteem associated with your sex drive now will no longer exist. This new attitude toward masturbation in particular and your sexuality in general will go a long way in curing many of your social ills.
Throughout your lives, then, you will experience the many facets or layers of sexuality, from pure physical to highly spiritual, from self-love to loving another; and you will take as long as you want--as many lifetimes as you need--to feel complete in the sexual experience. Having done that, your soul will choose to move on to bring yet another new experience to your Divine Creator. Until then, you are human beings, yes, but more--you are spiritual beings having sexual experiences.
Enjoy and celebrate! * * *
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