Wednesday, February 01, 2006


“Misinterpretation of ancient texts describing extraterrestrial activities forms our present misconception of God which, in turn, creates our outmoded views on human sexuality...."

By Daniel D. Ziegler

Whether we are aware of it or not, we in the Western world live under severe sexual repression due to socially imposed religious moral codes. Therefore, most of us have fairly negative attitudes toward our sexuality. Even if we don’t consider ourselves to be religious or sexually repressed, we still are under the influence of these codes because they mold our society. A clear example of this is our laws requiring us to wear clothing. As a result, for the most part, we live in a constant state of embarrassment, shame and guilt over our sexuality and our bodies in general. In the presence of others, we pretend to be asexual, that is we hide our sex lives, we are uncomfortable talking about our sex lives in most circles--especially to our parents and children--and, in general, treat sex as something private at best and evil and dirty at worst.

The effects of this sexual repression are deeply ingrained in us. Wilhelm Reich devoted much of his life’s work to showing the devastating effects of repressed sexuality in the form of neuroses in individual lives as well as in the form of oppression at the societal level. Several of his books including The Function of the Orgasm and The Mass Psychology of Fascism are devoted to these topics and are definitely worth reading. It is clear from his work and worth remembering that how we see ourselves and how we react to the world around us are both heavily influenced by our conscious and unconscious sex-negative attitudes stemming from sexual repression. It is refreshing to see, however, that at least some attempts are being made by some community groups, such as Seattle Washington’s Sex Positive Community Center, to create and provide a positive environment for people to learn and interact with others in sex-positive ways.

We, as a society or as individuals, will not completely be free of these imposed religious moral codes or change our attitudes about sex, however, until we change our old fearful religious conception of God, for it is the deeply ingrained and often unconscious fear of God that restricts much of our sexual behavior. And we will not change our fearful conception of God until we increase our understanding of many of the ancient religious texts, particularly the Old Testament, which seem to speak of a God full of wrath and eager to punish.

Based on works such as those of Zecharia Sitchin and others, we can begin to re-examine these ancient religious texts in a new light--as records of extraterrestrial influence on early civilizations. This is not a new idea, but it is one whose time has come in light of mounting evidence of UFO's, extraterrestrial life and of ancient extraterrestrial influence on humanity’s origins (and on the mounting evidence of subsequent and obvious cover-up of such information). We have been led to believe that these documents, such as the Old Testament of the Bible, are a record of "God's" work on earth. The truth is it is not "God" but oppressive extraterrestrial beings posing as "God" or gods and attempting to control us of which the texts speak. It is this misunderstanding of events described in these early texts has led us to our present religious concept of a vengeful and wrathful God who punishes us for enjoying "pleasures of the flesh and forms MANY of our present limiting belief systems.

Research into these texts now clearly shows them to be records of extraterrestrial visitations and activities. They tell of ancient astronauts, technically more advanced than us who visited earth hundreds of thousands of years ago and “created” (today we would say genetically engineered) humankind as a slave race. Then, as one of the methods to control us, they forced unnatural and unreasonable restrictions on our sexual activity. This predictably produced frustration, poor self-esteem and all sorts of dysfunctional behavior, including violence among ourselves; and thus, as can be inferred from Reich’s work, that is how they managed to oppress and control us for their purposes. Their negative influence deeply affects our thinking and behavior yet today.

But in order for us to evolve into the magnificent, loving, and yes, sex-positive creatures we are capable of becoming, we must discard our beliefs based on old interpretations of these texts and form new beliefs based on new information, which we now have. Coming to this new understanding of ancient religious texts forces us to confront and challenge some of the most basic moral and religious precepts upon which modern life in the Western world is based (as well as our government's official position that there is no evidence of extraterrestrial life); and if we are to save ourselves from self-destruction, if we are, indeed, ever to evolve into enlightened beings and experience a golden age--an age free from hate and violence--we must confront these issues NOW before it is too late.

We can begin doing this by first considering that our old paradigms may no longer be valid (if, indeed, they ever were), and then continue by seeking new ways of looking at our world and ourselves being one. We must also come to understand God (or Creative Intelligence, Source or whatever one wants to call the Universal Creative Force) as a God of love and creativity, not of wrath and destruction, and when we do this, we will see that human sexuality, in its MANY expressions, is a gift to be enjoyed and celebrated. Then, we must build a society based on our new concept of loving ourselves, and loving--not fearing--each other.

To many of us it is self-evident that a God that creates life through sex and creates us as highly sexual beings, intends us--all of us, at any age--to enjoy sex and to use sex as a celebration of life itself. It is this self-perpetuating characteristic of sex that demonstrates its grandeur and suggests that it is of the highest order of magnitude and magnificence of all creations. It is an expression of life itself. To hide it, to unnaturally restrict it, to misuse it or to be embarrassed about it, is to degrade it--as well as to degrade life, and even worse, to degrade the Creative Force.

There is one final step in the progression of this discussion and it is a thought definitely worth contemplation. I mentioned at the beginning of this article that the work of Wilhelm Reich clearly points out that how we see ourselves and how we react to the world around us are both clearly influenced by our conscious and unconscious negative attitudes toward our sexuality stemming from our repressed sexuality. It is further suggested by one writer of UFO and related material, Michael Mannion, that the view of some modern extraterrestrials, presented by some contactees/abductees, as being uncaring, unloving and asexual may indeed be a reflection of our own sexual repression. If this is the case, how does this all tie together? Quite clearly. Our thinking, then, seems to be trapped in a completely closed circle which may be holding us back from entering the cosmic era: Misinterpretation of ancient texts describing extraterrestrial activity forms our present misconception of God which, in turn, forms our outmoded views on human sexuality which, in turn, influences our present view of some modern ET’s who may be attempting to interact with us in friendly ways.

It goes without saying, then, that before we can objectively understand and intelligently interact with beings more advanced than us, it is imperative that we somehow break this negative cycle, clean up our violent tendencies and get our thinking straight about how to get along with each other here. Then and only then will we be able to advance ourselves as a race of magnificent and sensual beings ready to join other beings in this cosmic era and possible golden age.

Do we have a good reason, then, to examine our present attitudes and ideas about our sexuality and make efforts to heal from the embarrassment, shame and guilt most of us live with? I would think so! * * *

For further reading on extraterrestrial influence on humanity and religion, one might begin with GODS, GENES, AND CONSCIOUSNESS by Paul Von Ward, PROJECT MINDSHIFT by Michael Mannion, THE GODS OF EDEN by William Bramley, HUMANITY'S EXTRATERRESTRIAL ORIGINS by Arthur David Horn and THE EARTH CHRONICLES series by Zecharia Sitchen. For reading about the connection between violence and sexual repression, in addition to the above mentioned books by Wilhelm Reich, The Function of the Orgasm and The Mass Psychology of Fassism, see SAHARASIA: The 4000 BCE Origins Of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare And Social Violence, In The Deserts Of The Old World by James DeMeo.
Copyright 2004 Daniel D. Ziegler

To receive a free e-copy (PDF file) of my book NAKED BEFORE GOD: A Look At Healing, Self-discovery and Spiritual Growth Through Social Nudism, go to or email me


Shirley said...

Thank you for all the research -- for bringing all of these ideas together, showing consensus of thought.

Anonymous said...
